Free Download PC Games-Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos-Full Version complate

Free Download PC Games-Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos-Full Version complate
Free Download PC Games-Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos-Full Version complate
Download Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos, contains four playable races humans and Orcs, which had previously appeared in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans and Warcraft II: Tides of darkness, and the night elves and Undead, which was introduced by Warcraft myth installment. It is the second sequel to Warcraft: Orcs and humans, and it is located in the third game universe Warcraft. An expansion pack, frozen throne, was released on July 1, 2003, game proved to be a best seller and one of the release of the most anticipated computer games and popular ever, with 4.5 million units shipped to retail stores and more than one million units sold within a month. Warcraft III won many awards, including "Game of the Year" from more than six different publications.
Warcraft III takes place on a map of different sizes, such as the Great Plains and the field, the Terrain features such as rivers, mountains, sea, or bank. In campaign mode, the map was initially covered with a black mask, covering penetrated. The mask is removed from areas that have been explored, but they are no longer in sight allied unit or building otherwise shrouded in fog of war, though terrain remains visible, changes such as enemy troop movements and building construction unseen.During game, players must establish settlements to gain resources, defend against other players, and train units to explore the map and attack enemies that are controlled by computers
Multiplayer mode allows for play against other people, via the internet,
instead of playing against computer-controlled custom game mode in
single-player. Because previous double Warcraft storyline, this story is
understandable only if you are using the proper storylines of one of
the campaigns in the previous games, Orc campaign in Warcraft: Orcs
& Humans and the Human campaign in both Warcraft II: Tides of
darkness and Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Porta
There are three main sources that run Warcraft III: gold, lumber, and the first two food.the required to construct units and buildings, while food is limiting the maximum number of units the player may control at one time. This game also introduces creeps, computer controlled units that are hostile to all players. CERAM keep key areas such as gold mines or neutral buildings and, when killed, provide experience points, gold, and special items for players.
sic methodology. Warcraft III also introduced a day / night cycle series.Besides have advantages or disadvantages for certain races, at night most creeps fall asleep, making Scout safe temperature, however, the line of sight for most units is also reduced. Other minor changes to the gameplay were due to the 3D terrain. For instance, units on a cliff have an attack bonus when attacking units at lower elevations. previous Warcraft games, there were only two playable races, Orcs and humans. Blocking the cosmetic changes, the majority of the unit is identical to the Orc their human counterparts. Warcraft III, the night elves and the Dead played races.In added as additions, such as StarCraft, each race has a unique set of units, structures, technologies, and building a ba In addition, Warcraft III adds powerful new units called heroes. For each enemy unit dies, the hero will gain experience points, which allow the hero to level-up to a maximum level of 10. Advanced level increases heroes attributes and also allows the hero to gain new spell options (bringing elements of role-playing video game series). A certain hero abilities can apply beneficial Aura allied unit. All heroes can equip items to increase skills, defense, and other abilities. In the six levels, the main hero can acquire skills, which is more powerful than the three other spells that have heroes. Hero can also utilize the various natural resources found throughout the map, such as non-player controlled characters, and markets in which the hero can purchase used goods. Often, the hero unit be the deciding factor in determining the winner
Warcraft 3 campaign mode is broken up into five campaigns (including the prologue is optional), have different features that players can master race (2 Orc campaigns, 1 male, 1 Undead, and 1 Night Elves). Each campaign is itself divided into several chapters. Unlike previous Blizzard titles, such as Warcraft II or StarCraft, players are not directed to mission briefings in which plot Exhibition happened and the goal was announced; Instead, Warcraft III uses a system of seamless quests. Some plot development happens in a cinematic, but sometimes the most happening in the game with cutscenes. Purpose, which is known as a search, which revealed to the player during the course map.
System Requirements :
Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP:
400 MHz Pentium II or equivalent
128 MB of RAM
8 MB 3D video card
(TNT, i810, Voodoo 3, Rage 128 equivalent or better)
with DirectX® 8.1 support
700 MB HD space
4X CD-ROM drive
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Free Download PC Games-Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos-Full Version complate