Free Download Pc Games-Call Of Duty 4 Complate -Full Version

Free Download Pc Games-Call Of Duty 4 Complate -Full Version
Free Download Pc Games-Call Of Duty 4 Complate -Full Version
Download Call of Duty 4 For Pc: The game is published by Activision for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii, was released in North America, Australia, and Europe in November 2007 for video game consoles and the Microsoft Windows, September 2008 was released for the Mac, this game was developed by Infinity Ward and. A handheld game made for the Nintendo DS, Call of Duty 4 is the fourth installment in the Call of Duty video game series, excluding expansion packs, and is the first in the Modern Warfare line of the franchise, followed by a direct sequel, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 as well as the first game in the series to have a Mature rating. Game away from the World War II setting previous games in the series and instead set in modern times.
Call of Duty 4 is a first-person shooter video game, The story takes place in the year 2011, where a radical leader has executed the president of an unnamed country in the Middle East, and ultranationalist movements start a civil war in Russia. Conflict is viewed from the perspective of U.S. Marine Reconnaissance Force and British SAS commando, and are set in a variety of places, such as England, the Middle East, Azerbaijan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine. Multiplayer portion of the game features various game modes, and contains a leveling system that allows the player to unlock additional weapons, weapon attachments, and camouflage schemes as they advance. The game won numerous awards from gaming websites, including IGN's Best Xbox 360 Game. It is the best-selling game worldwide for 2007, selling some seven million copies on January 19 and more than thirteen million in May 2009.
Call of Duty 4 features team-based and deathmatch-based multiplayer modes on various maps. Each mode has a goal that requires unique strategies to complete. the game ends when either a team or player has reached a predefined number of points, or the allotted time expired in the team or the player with the most points wins, players can call UAV reconnaissance scans, air strikes, and attack helicopters, when they achieve three-, five , and seven-enemy kill, if the player is in either of the two matches, then no overtime games, in which the next team to win cherished victory
Call of Duty 4 is very different from the previous Call of Duty Series, A
character can be positioned in any one of three attitudes: standing,
crouching, or prone, each affecting the character's level of movement,
accuracy, and stealth. Using cover helps the player avoid enemy fire or
recover health after taking significant damage. Thus, there are no armor
or health power ups. When the character has taken damage, the edges of
the screen glow red and the character of the heart rate increases. If
the character stays out of fire, the character can recover. When the
character is within the blast radius of a live grenade, a marker
indicates the direction of the grenade, helping the player to either
flee or toss it back to the enemy, the game features modern equipment
and new features, many exclusive to the multiplayer part of the game,
such as "killstreaks"; killing a number of enemies without the player
dying in between kills allows access to various assets including
airstrikes and helicopter support.
System Configurations Requirements :
1. Operating System : Windows Xp, 7, Vista.
2. Processors : Intel® Core 2 Duo E6600 or Better.
3. Ram memory : 2GB.
4. AGP memory : 256 MB minimum or better.
5. Hard disk drive : 16GB free space.
6. DirectX : 9 or better.
7. Sound card : DirectX-9
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