Download Games SWAT 4 Full Version for PC Eng

Download Games SWAT 4 Full Version for PC Eng
Download Games SWAT 4 Full Version for PC Eng
Game SWAT 4 : The single-player demo for the squad shooter SWAT 4 has a team of which you respond delivery failed car theft has turned into a situation of a suspect / hostage barricade at Victory Imports Auto Center . The new multiplayer modes , and hot new equipment for your team . Crime continues to rise . More guns and drugs are appearing on the streets and the city is in crisis . SWAT is called in to take a series of disturbances that eventually brought them to the root of the problem
The Game Swat 4 You are the leader of four others who were divided into two pairs , called " teams " . Teams are assigned colors , " red " or " blue " . Players do not take direct control over the other officers . However , orders can be taken out of order selection menu , ranging from clean room to handcuff the area and compliant . In addition , a video camera mounted on the helmet every police officer . elements of an authentic Special Weapons and Tactics team within the big city where danger looms large . Eastern European crime family that has taken up residence in the city . A final will place legendary SWAT tactics against the most dangerous and ruthless criminals yet, Stetchkov syndicate.Within city , crisis and turmoil are every day ,
SWAT 4 ' to encourage the use of the power of non - lethal to subdue and arrest subjects rather than paralyze or kill them . In addition , players must follow strict protocol to ensure proper use of force . Players may not shoot suspects with lethal weapons unless the suspect points their firearm at a fellow officer or a civilian . Penalties are given for unauthorized use of force , injury to hostages , officer incapacitation , and personal injury . At higher difficulty levels , more points are required to pass the mission , All missions start with a briefing pre - a mission that describes the situation and gives whatever details are available on the suspects and / or hostages . For some missions , a 911 call is heard, which can provide clues about what to expect , and what equipment should be selected for that situation . The briefing identifies mission goals , which consists of bringing order to chaos by arresting or neutralizing all suspects , and rescue all hostages or other civilians .
Windows 98SE/2000/XP
Intel Pentium III 1GHz or Intel Celeron 1.2GHz or AMD Athlon 1.2GHz Processor
2GB Hard Disk Space
DirectX compatible Sound Card
nVidia GeForce 2 GTS or ATi Radeon 8500 Class Video Card
56Kbps 32-bit Internet Connection
Windows 98SE/2000/XP
Intel Pentium III 1GHz or Intel Celeron 1.2GHz or AMD Athlon 1.2GHz Processor
2GB Hard Disk Space
DirectX compatible Sound Card
nVidia GeForce 2 GTS or ATi Radeon 8500 Class Video Card
56Kbps 32-bit Internet Connection
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